Sunday, November 05, 2006

Snow White - the adult panto

Until Dec 31, Snow White - the adult panto - will be wowing Durban audiences at the Catalina Theatre. Starring Anthony Stonier, Peter Court (as "Fairy Nuff"), Karen Campbell-Gillies, Damon Thomas and Rowan Bartlett, the panto is a giggle-a-minute with racey dialogue most of which can be taken either way - if you know what I mean, writes Durban Theatre critic Tommy Ballantyne of the Sunday Tribune. It’s another ribald, rambunctious excuse for Peter Court to wedge himself into a frock and unleash what is laughingly referred to as his singing voice on a quivering public.

Tickets for the theatre at the waterfront Wilson's Wharf are obtainable on 021-3056889 or 082 553 5903 at R80pp.

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