Thursday, March 04, 2010

30 years together

Meet the Cape Town bois who came to visit the Guesthouse this weekend.
Philip (top left) celebrated his 50th birthday at the Guesthouse whetting his appetite for a 5 day cruise on the Sinfonia followed by another 2 nights back at the Guesthouse.

Philip and Max (top back) have been together 30 years, which means when they met they were 20 and 27 years old respectively - great going guys, it's an inspiration to us all.

Also in the photos are Cornelius and Enzo, from Cape Town as well who co-incidentally were also off on the same Sinfonia cruise along with other 2 other guests. So it was great for them all to meet here beforehand and get to know each other.

In the 2nd photo is Guesthouse co-owner Llewellyn (middle) sharing a toast with the guests at the Guesthouse Pub which we have recently decorated with some 2010 souvrenirs for the World Cup Football which gets going in South Africa in 100 days.
We also enjoyed a fantastic celebration dinner out at Harvey's Durban's top and famous restaurant just up the road from the Guesthouse.

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