Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pink Mynah Festival 2008

The first ever Gay and Lesbian festival in KwaZulu-Natal, to be held in Pietermaritzburg, will feature a parade, picnics, film screenings, workshops and parties.
The Gay and Lesbian Network will be hosting the festival from 29 November to 6 December 2008. The event encompasses World Aids Day and as such many workshops will be held on that topic.
However, it's not just all serious business - the festival kicks off on Saturday, 29 November with a carnival-style street parade through the Capital, and includes such events as nightly film screenings (courtesy of Out In Africa G&L Film Festival), workshops on various topics, an exhibition, and so on...
The grand finale of the festival is the Mr. and Miss Gay KZN pageant.
For more information, pageant application forms, to register as a volunteer or to sponsor, please contact:
Ponie on 033 342 6165Anthony on 072 536 2978Emma on 072 024 4899

Overview of The Queer Zulu Natal Festival Program
Saturday, 29th November - Festival Opening at 8.30am: Press and Public Welcome, Street Parade, entertainers, expo, After Party
Sunday, 30th November - 1 - 5 pm: Community Picnic - Various entertainment sports & games
Monday 1 December - World Aids Day Partner with Department of Health on World Aids Day campaign with workspops and Film screenings
Tuesday, 2nd December - 10.30am: Workshops, Pink Tuesday at Café Vacca Matta and film screenings
Wednesday, 3rd December - 10:30: Workshops & Film screeningse (lesbian film)
Thursday, 4th December - 11am Workshops
Friday, 5th December - 8pm: Kismet Hotel Christmas Party
Saturday, 6th December - 5pm: Mr and Miss KwaZulu Natal Pageant

So lets support this "family" event. Come stay with us at Durban View Gay Guest House and drive through for the day to attend the events of your choice.

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